Le Monde Est Stone : The World Is Stone

October 12, 2017 by dewhisna

Le monde est stoneThe World Is Stone

J'ai la tête qui éclateMy head, it aches
Je voudrais seulement dormirI only want to sleep
M'étendre sur l'asphalteLying on the asphalt
Et me laisser mourirLeave me to die

Le monde est stoneThe world is stone
Je cherche le soleilI search for the sun
Au milieu de la nuitIn the middle of the night

Je sais pas si c'est la terreI don't know if it's the earth
Qui tourne à l'enversThat's turned upside down
Ou bien si c'est moiOr if it is me
Qui me fait du cinémaThat makes me cinema
Qui me fais mon cinémaWhich makes me my cinema

Le monde est stoneThe world is stone

J'ai plus envie de me battreI don't want to fight
J'ai plus envie de courirI don't want to run
Comme tous ces automatesLike all these automata
Qui bâtissent des empiresWho form the empires
Que le vent peut détruireThat the wind will destroy
Comme des châteaux de cartesLike a house of cards

Le monde est stoneThe world is stone

Je cherche le soleilI search for the sun
Au milieu de ma nuitIn the middle of my night

Laissez-moi me débattreLeave me to struggle
Ne venez pas me secourirDon't rescue me
Venez plutôt m'abattreCome and shoot me
Pour m'empêcher de souffrirTo keep me from suffering

J'ai la tête qui éclateMy head, it aches
Je voudrais seulement dormirI only want to sleep
M'étendre sur l'asphalteLying on the asphalt
Et me laisser mourirLeave me to die
Et me laisser mourirLeave me to die

The World Is Stone

Stone, the world is stone
It's no trick of the light, it's hard on the soul
Stone, the world is stone, cold to the touch
And hard on the soul in the gray of the streets

In the neon unknown, I look for a sign
That I'm not on my own, that I'm not here alone

As the still of the night and the choke of the air
And the winners' delight and the losers' despair
Closes in left and right, I would love not to care

Stone, the world is stone from a faraway look
Without stars in my eyes through the halls of the rich
And the flats of the poor wherever I go

There's no warmth anymore
There's no love anymore

So I turn on my heels, I'm declining the fall
I've had all I can take with my back to the wall
Tell the world I'm not in, I'm not taking the call

Stone, the world is stone but I saw it once
With the stars in my eyes when each color rang out
In a thunderous chrome, it's no trick of the light
I can't find my way home in a world of stone


Le Monde Est Stone - Garou (Images)

Le Monde Est Stone - Marc Angers (Violin)

Le Monde Est Stone - Celine Dion et Garou (Images)

Le Monde Est Stone - Eleanor McCain [True North: The Canadian Songbook] (BEST Vocals)

Le Monde Est Stone - Enrico Palmieri (Complete)

Le Monde Est Stone - Judith Berard (Images)

Nolwenn Leroy - The World Is Stone (Runner-up English Vocals)

Cyndi Lauper - The World Is Stone (Vocals, English)

Le Monde Est Stone (Images)

Le Monde Est Stone - Franck Di-giovanni (Piano)

Le Monde Est Stone - Fabienne Thiebault (Cover Image and history)

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